Распродаются лицензионные Audio CD по 50 руб,
Распродается по 50 руб. частная коллекция:
лицензионных Audio CD. Все диски в идеальном состоянии. Все с многостраничными буклетами, в том числе
стойки для CD на 24 CD;
Adaro - Minnenspiel - 200 2 - Medievalrock
Aesma Daeva - The new athens ethos - 2003 - Gothic metal
A-ha - Memorial beach - 1993 - Synth pop
Alphaville - Afternoons in utopia - 1986 - Synth pop
Alphaville - The breathtaking blue - 1989 - Synth pop
Arsis - A celebration of guilt - 2005 - Death metal
Ashen Light - Философия самоуничтожения - 2007 - Blackmetal
Astaroth - Organic perpetual hatework - 2005 - Black metal
Aurora - The dimension gate - 1994 - Darkwave
Bog Morok - Azoic - 2003 - Do ommetal
Burning Rain - Pleasure to burn - 2001 - Hard rock
Butterfly Temple - Велес - 1999 - P aganmetal
Butterfly Temple - Время Мары - 2005 - Pagan metal
Butterfly Temple - Сны северного моря - 2002 - Pagan metal
Callenish Circle - [Pitch. Black. Effects] - 2005 - Death metal
Campo di Marte - Campo di Marte - 1973 - Rock
Corvus Corax - Venus vina musica - 2006 - Medieval folk rock
Current 93 - Hypnagogue I. Hypnagogue II - 1990 - Dark folk
Dark Princess Olga Romanova - Without you - 2005 - Gothic metal
Dark Tranquillity - Character - 2005 - Deathmetal
Dark Tranquillity - Exposures. CD I - 2004 - Death metal
Dark Tranquillity - Exposures. CD II - 2004 - Death metal
Dark Tranquillity - Haven - 20 00 - Deathmetal
Dark Tranquillity - Projector - 1999 - Deathmetal
Dark Tranquillity - The gallery - 1995 - Death metal
Darkthrone - The cult is alive - 2006 - Black metal
Death - Human - 1991 - De athmetal
Death SS - Do what thou wilt - 1997 - Horror metal
Deathlike Silence - Vigor mortis - 2007 - Heavy metal
Deicide - Insineratehymn - 2000 - Deathmetal
Deicide - Scars of the crucifix - 2004 - Death metal
Diabolical - A thosand deaths - 2002 - Death metal
Disarmonia Mundi - Nebularium - 2002 - Deathmetal
Fear My Thoughts - Vulcanus - 200 6 - Deathmetal
Gamma Ray - Somewhere out in space - 1997 - Speed power metal
Garrota - Reincarnation - 2006 - Technodeath metal
Geezer - Ohmwork - 2005 - Heavymetal
Hades - Dam nation - 2001 - Thrash metal
Hagalaz" Runedance - Frigga"s web - 2002 - Folk rock
Hate Eternal - I, monarch - 2005 - Death metal
Hatecraft - Finally free - 2004 - Death metal
Hekate - Goddess - 2005 - Darkfolk
Hekate - Ten years of endurance - 2003 - Dark folk
Iced Earth - Night of the stormrider - 1991 - Thras hmetal
Impellitteri - System X - 2002 - Heavy metal
Iron Maiden - Killers - 1981 - Heavymetal
Kamaedzitca - Дзеці леса - 2004 - Dark folk
Kari Rueslatten - Others people"s stories - 2005 - Dark folk
King Diamond - Abigail II: the revenge - 2002 - Horror metal
King Diamond - Fatal portrait - 1986 - Horror metal
King Diamond - The spider"s lullabye - 1995 - Horror metal
King Diamond & Black Rose - 20 years ago - a night of rehearsal - 1980 - Hard rock
Kreator - Endless pain - 1985 - Thrash metal
Lacrimosa - Echoes - 2003 - Gothic
Lacrimosa - Fassade - 200 1 - Gothic
Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt - 2005 - Gothic
Leaves" Eyes - Lovelorn - 2004 - Gothicmetal
Leaves" Eyes - Vinland saga - 2005 - Gothic metal
Life"s Decay - Art decay extremism - 2004 - Dark experimental metal
Liv Kristine - Enter my religion - 2006 - Gothic metal
Living Death - Metal revolution - 1985 - Thras hmetal
Lordi - The monster show - 2004 - Heavy metal
Lumsk - Asmund Fraegdegjevar - 2003 - Vi kingmetal
Majesty - Doomsday mashine - 2001 - Doom metal
Majesty - Hell forces - 2006 - Heavy metal
Manuskript - Natural high - 2002 - Electro gothic rock
Massacra - Enjoy the violence - 1991 - Death thrash metal
Mercyful Fate - The beginning - 1987 - Horror metal
Middian - Age elernal - 2007 - Stoner doom metal
Ministry - Animositisomin a - 2003 - Industrialmetal
Moonspell - Memorial - 20 06 - Gothicmetal
Moonspell - Sin & Pecado - 1997 - Gothic metal
Moonspell - The butterfly effect - 1999 - Gothic metal
Morgul - All dead here… - 2005 - Horror metal
Morian - Sentinels of the Sun - 2007 - Gothic metal
My Dying Bride - A line of deathles kings - 2006 - Doom metal
Mygrain - Orbit dance - 2006 - Melodic death metal
Naervaer - Skiftninger - 1997 - Folkambient
Nechrist - Casus belli - 2006 - Black metal
Nemesea - Mana - 2004 - G othicsympho metal
One man army & The undead quartet - Error in evolution - 2007 - Melodi cdeath metal
Ordo Draconis - The wing & The burden - 2001 - Modern orchestral black metal
Ostara - Immaculate destruction - 2006 - Neof olkgothic industrial metal
Paragon Of Beauty - Comfort me, infinity - 2001 - Doom metal
Pazuzu - Awaken the dragon - 1996 - Darkwave medieval
Qntal - V: silver swan - 2006 - Darkwave medieval
Santa Maria - Жизнь на грани - 2005 - Heavy metal
Saxon - Dogs of war - 1995 - Heavy metal
Saxon - The inner sanctum - 2007 - Heavy metal
Sieben - Ogham inside the night - 2006 - Neo folk ambient
Sinful - Омут - 2005 - Bl ackmetal
Spaced Out - Slow gin - 2003 - Fusion
Teru"s Symphonia - Clockworked Earth - 1993 - Neo progressive rock
Crown - Eternal death - 1997 - Melodic death metal
Crown - The burning - 1995 - Melodic death metal
The Vision Bleak - The deathship has a new captain - 2004 - Gothic rock
Tiamat - The astral sleep - 1991 - Gothic doom metal
Tiamat - Wildhoney - 1994 - Gothicdoom metal
Twisted Sister - You can"t stop rock"n"roll - 1983 - Heav ymetal
Vader - The art of war [EP] - 2005 - Death black metal
Vader - Reign forever world [EP] - 2001 - Death black metal
Vital Duo - Ex tempore - 2001 - Medieval progressive folk rock
Vital Remains - Icons of evil - 2007 - Extreme black death metal
W. A. S. P. - W. A. S. P. - 1984 - Heavy metal
Whitesnake - Good to be bad - 2008 - Hard rock
Wolfenmond - Sagas - 2007 - Folkmedieval
Валкирия - Пополни ряды - 2008 - Industrial metal
Изморозь - На закате багровом… - 2007 - Viking metal
Каира - Воля рока - 2006 - Hard rock
Мастер - С петлей на шее - 1989 - Thrash metal
Откровения дождя - Мраморные тона отчаяния - 2007 - Doom metal
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